Tremendous Hockey, Terrific Crowds and Talented Players

A few thoughts on the Doherty Division playoffs and final series

Written by: Darren Stevenson

April 17, 2022

They were the number 4 seed. They were underdogs in the Doherty playoffs. They are champions. 


The New Hamburg Firebirds were crowned Doherty champions on Saturday night in front of almost 1300 people at the Wilmot Rec Complex. It’s a group of players that captivated the community. The evidence is simple, fans were lined up 3 rows deep around the glass to watch this team. And that’s the key word, team. 


Sure, the top players scored big goals during the Firebirds playoff run. Zach Mark’s shorthanded beauty comes to mind in Game 4. Josh Vale, otherwise known as “Mr. Money” was clutch. But don’t forget about Kyle Kraemer and his impact or the rush from Matt Domm in Game 7 against Woodstock that led to the winning goal. 


This team was a group of players who believed in each other. Griffin Murphy the Firebirds outstanding goalie may have said it best “we know if we execute we win”. 


Murphy is one player I always interview for perspective. Not only is he sharp between the pipes, he is a well spoken, honest and intelligent young man. He always provides great insight into things and is mature beyond his years.


Beyond his excellent interview skills, he is respected by every single player in the room. During the trophy ceremony, his teammates in unison were chanting MVP as Murphy skated around the ice with the trophy. 


Another amazing moment during the celebration came when Shane Gerber hoisted the trophy. Gerber is the heart of the Firebirds. He’s been around as long as I can remember. He’s a humble man who does so much for the organization but never looks for credit. He got one of the loudest roars on the ice during all the post game excitement. 


Gerber and his group of coaches did an incredible job helping this underdog team believe. One parent said to me “the coaching staff is so positive, they roll all the lines and develop all the players”. 


It’s hard to pinpoint the turning point in the Doherty finals. Tavistock is a remarkable team and organization, more on that in a second. Obviously it’s easy to say the tide shifted in Game 5 after the Birds rallied from a 4-0 deficit to win 5-4. 


However, in my mind the momentum went back and forth so many times either team could of won this series and I wouldn’t have been surprised. I’ll say this, Zach Gladding was a force in Game 6, Ryan Suljack was excellent in the series and Jeff Kernichan was unbelievable between the pipes. 


Kernichan made some terrific saves in overtime and had no chance on the winning goal from Antonio Pasqualino in double overtime. Credit to “Pasta” for a beauty move in front sending the Birds to the next round against Grimsby. 


Back to Kernichan who missed his Dad’s wedding on Saturday night to play in Game 6. I hope you don’t mind me talking about this Jeff. But your Dad would be super proud of how you played, everyone I spoke too during the game said “that Tavi goalie is unreal”. 


That was the conversation around me, 2 rows deep in standing room. Kernichan made huge saves on Zach Mark and Owen Bruder in the first OT. And by the way, congrats Jody on your nuptials. 


Like I said earlier, Tavistock is a classy organization full of good people. Jordan Zehr and Dan Kalbfleisch do a terrific job recruiting players and developing them. You won’t find 2 people more passionate about the Braves than those two. Are they disappointed with the end result, that goes without saying. But Tavistock is always competitive and will be in the mix for years to come. This series could of gone either way, that’s playoff hockey. 


A true sign of how Tavistock and their class was exemplified came during the handshake line. Andrew Van Boekel skated over to me after and thanked me for the coverage of this series. He didn’t have to do that, Van Boekel and the Braves were clearly disappointed with how things ended. This acknowledgment was a shining example of what the organization is all about. Class. Much respect to you Andrew. Sorry for the replay on the hit in Game 3. Glad you were ok. 


There’s a million moments in the last month of the Doherty playoffs I can ramble on about. But here’s the core of it, this is tremendous hockey with talented players and terrific crowds. I had the absolute pleasure of watching all of this on display over the last four weeks. 


Finally a few shoutouts, thank you to Greb’s Chocolate and Nut Shop, Charles Doering Realty and Homewood Suites Cambridge for your support. We can’t do it without you. 


To the Braves and Firebirds, thank you for giving us access and supporting what we do. Thank you Drew Gerth and Zach Mark for proudly wearing the 519 sponsor logos on your jersey. Also, thank you Dakota Pletsch for grabbing my phone charger. 


Lastly to Rebecca, see you next week for our 7:15pm handshake. 


Great series, good times and more to come. See you all soon. 


#519Proud #519Playoffs #PJHL 


Category: BCSSAA