WCSSAA and 519 Sports Online teaming up for Student Assistance Fund

Providing opportunities for WRDSB high school students to play sports

Written by: Darren Stevenson

September 10, 2019

519 Sports Online and WCSSAA have partnered together to ensure students have the opportunity to participate in high school athletics. 100% of the monies raised for the WCSSAA Student Assistance Fund will go directly to students who need help to access extra curricular athletics in Waterloo Region District School board secondary schools. Donations over $10 are  eligible for a tax receipt.

519 Sports Online is a local sports platform showcasing WCSSAA athletics with videos, pictures and articles promoting athletes and their accomplishments. It started in October 2017 with the goal of providing a spotlight for athletics in the region and beyond.


To contribute please click here then select "WCSSAA - Student Athletic Assistance" from the drop down menu on screen. Add the amount, payment information and required personal information in order to receive a charitable tax receipt.


Students in need of financial assistance for athletics should contact their school administration for details on how to access support.

Category: WCSSAA